#58 Mike Oz | Addiction Recovery | Tartaria | Mud Floods | Petrified Mushrooms | Star Forts | Facebook Friends



This man is so much more than the perfect Jaw Line… 😉 our first of many episodes with the mind that is Mr. Micheal Oz

#57 Ryan Di Somma | StandUp911 | Epstein | Hollywood Elite | California Fires | Race | Disney | Flat Earth | The Moon | Internal Peace






Ryan has one of the premier Free thought Instagram accounts for now… There is a high chance it comes down soon as the cleanse on ideas that weren’t given to us continue.

We had an amazing conversation about absolutely everything. The next one will be a little more streamlined. This one was certainly an intro into everything 😉 hope you enjoy. I sure had a blast! 

#56 Tim Matthews | The Powerful Man | Overcoming | Depression | Alcohol | Drugs | Life Plan | Execute on Greatness…



Tim is one of the front runners in making sure ones mental health supersedes ones own thoughts.  Very excited to have been able to get started on a conversation with him. There will absolutely be more to come!  

#55 | Your Power | Your Shine | Your Heart | Your World | Your Rules | Your Perception | You are AMAZING! | Step into it…


Seems as though I’ve poured a lot of passion into this one! The world is amazing for sure once you allow yourself to rise above what is holding you back! 

I believe in you!! 

#54 Jack Murray | Australia | Money | Passion | Ego | Financial Slavery | Perception of self | Achievement | Get Rich Right.


An absolute great Podcast covering a laundry list of great topics. All circling around your ability to achieve anything with the proper foundation and desire for knowledge. 

Very much looking forward to our next collaboration. 

#53 | Deception | Depression | Media Manipulation | #firejessallen | Don Cherry | Illusion of Alcohol | Racism


We are inundated with bs on a regular basis … be very careful what you allow into your system, physically, visually, and audibly. Your mental well being is at stake 

#52 Dan Smith | Don Cherry | Free Speech | Rockefeller | Clinton | Religion | Vegan | Atheist | Gym | etc.


Great conversation with a long-running friend who apparently has never listened to the show! You’re forgiven Dan, looking forward to being on your show in the future.

#50 Tyson James Lee Pt. 1 | Extreme Fitness | Health | Living in a beach house to being robbed at gunpoint | Coach | Empower


Now, this was a powerful show! 

Amazing how well the energies of it all work when you put a thought into the mix.

What a great guest, definitely a part one here yet no confirmed pt 2 at this time! We will do it! 

#49 David Schloss Pt.2 | Hospitals | Doctors | Overcoming | Mindset | Battles | Heart | Weight Loss | Champion




Make sure you get out there and follow this man! He’s been an absolute treat to speak with. His journey is one of inspiration. Pt 3 Comming in six months!