#278: Heather Kehoe | Breast Implant Removal | Taxation | Investments | Conspiracy | Cognitive Dissonance | Coaching | Etc.

We went in on one here. No topic off the table!

I always love connecting with Heather over at www.thehchc.com her take on life Is a breath of fresh air in a world hell-bent on causing chaos.






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#277: Don’t fear the news and don’t be fooled by conspiracy porn either.

Believing solely in mainstream news or succumbing to conspiracy theories both carry their own set of adverse effects. Blindly trusting news sources can result in a limited perspective, potential bias, and misinformation perpetuation, undermining critical thinking and fostering a passive acceptance of information. On the flip side, subscribing to conspiracies can lead to increased distrust in established institutions, fractured social cohesion, and the rejection of evidence-based reality. Combining these belief systems can create a cognitive dissonance, causing confusion and anxiety. The adverse consequences of these extremes highlight the importance of cultivating media literacy, critical thinking skills, and a nuanced approach to information consumption in our rapidly evolving information landscape.






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#276: Part 7 | M.K Ultra | Birth Control | Federal Reserve | Monsanto | Taxation is theft.

In a world where information flows freely, conspiracy theories often capture the imagination of individuals seeking alternative narratives. While many view these theories with skepticism, it’s worth considering some potential benefits they may offer:

  1. Critical Thinking Stimulus: Engaging with conspiracy theories can encourage critical thinking skills. Analyzing and evaluating information to distinguish between fact and speculation can help individuals develop a more discerning approach to information consumption.
  2. Questioning the Status Quo: Conspiracy theories sometimes prompt people to question the official narrative or challenge established norms. This skepticism can lead to a deeper examination of societal structures and power dynamics, fostering a more informed and engaged citizenry.
  3. Community Bonding: Shared beliefs in conspiracy theories can create a sense of community among like-minded individuals. While it’s essential to approach such communities with caution, the shared experience of questioning the mainstream narrative can foster a sense of belonging.
  4. Cultural Expression: Conspiracy theories often reflect societal anxieties, fears, and suspicions. Exploring these narratives can be a form of cultural expression, allowing individuals to articulate concerns that might be overlooked in mainstream discourse.
  5. Entertainment Value: Some conspiracy theories, even if far-fetched, can be entertaining. They provide a form of escapism and storytelling that captivates the imagination, much like fiction. The intrigue surrounding these theories can be a source of entertainment for those who enjoy speculative thinking.
  6. Innovation and Creativity: While not all conspiracy theories are rooted in reality, some may inspire creative thinking. Imagining alternative scenarios and considering “what if” scenarios can spark innovation and creativity, pushing individuals to think beyond conventional boundaries.

It’s crucial to approach conspiracy theories with a discerning mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. While they can offer certain benefits, it’s equally important to distinguish between well-founded concerns and unfounded speculation. Balancing an open mind with critical thinking is key to navigating the complex landscape of conspiracy theories in today’s information age.






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#275: Christmas is a rough time. Allow yourself a profound kindness.

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but often, the hustle and bustle of the holidays can leave us feeling like prisoners of our own minds. As the festive lights twinkle and carols fill the air, it’s crucial to remember that the true spirit of Christmas lies in joy, love, and freedom.

In the midst of the holiday chaos, take a moment to release yourself from the self-imposed chains of stress and expectations. Don’t let your mind become a prison cell, trapping you in worries about the perfect decorations, the ideal gifts, or the flawless feast. Instead, embrace the imperfect beauty of the season.

This Christmas, give yourself the gift of mental liberation. Break free from the shackles of perfectionism and unrealistic standards. Celebrate the joyous moments, cherish the laughter with loved ones, and savor the warmth of togetherness. Remember, the magic of Christmas lies not in flawless plans but in the genuine connections we share.

So, as you navigate the holiday whirlwind, don’t let your mind become a captive of stress and worry. Unwrap the present moment, relish the simple joys, and allow the spirit of Christmas to fill your heart with gratitude and freedom. After all, the most cherished memories are often the ones created when we liberate ourselves from the expectations and simply embrace the magic of the season. 🌟🎄 #FreeYourMind #ChristmasJoy






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#274: Elisa Kurylowicz | Waking Up | Mushrooms | Dating | Growth | Narrative Shift | Truckers | and everything in between.

We’ve swap casted before but this time shes on our show. Another Barn burner of a show. Pre Edits we went 4 hours. I only edited out the small breaks we needed to take as well, no words were cut from the show haha.

This one was a lot of fun!

Make sure to check out everything she is up to! This girl is changing the world.

Elisa Instagram


And of course you can fine us:






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#273: PT. 6 | Transgender and vaccines | Pesticides and Cancer | NASA may be nazi scientists | World War 1 and 2 had ulterior motives which were both accomplished.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Groups opposed to mandated vaccinations protest on the grounds of the Ohio Statehouse, inside the House Health Committee meets to discuss HB 248 which would prohibit mandatory vaccinations and vaccination status disclosures, Tuesday, August 24, 2021. Graham Stokes/Freelance Photographer

I love these breakdowns of conspiracies. This world is an amazing place once you allow it to be. We can’t focus on all the negative all the time. That’s the shit that will age you. Have a blast instead.






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#272: PT. 5 | The School System is an indoctrination tool for the elites | All wars benefit the elite | N.W.O is the UN | Naturopathic Doctors are being unalived | Top elites are cannibals | False Flag Events

Really went into a few topics here and a few shout outs. I love this reality the more you get to look at it the more absurd it truly is and the less power it eventually has over you.

Lifes a Trip, get out there and have a ball.






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Shifting your perspective out of the fear narrative for both 3D and 5D | We’re Back Baby.

We took a little time off to recollect our thoughts and redirect our attention. There is so much happening right now in the world that we as humans are on a sensory overload. This will inevitably change our perspective on operating individually while in the collective. It is one of the fundamentals of becoming “a real boy” #pinocchio

Thank you for staying with us through the break 😉 here’s to pushing this show into the top 1%






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I needed to talk about perspective as it pertains to your experience of reality.

Everything changes the minute you look directly at the situation in which you find the ability to look. This episode was inside my head for a long time. I never know if I do my thoughts justice but I will always certainly try. Thank you all for being here along for the ride.


Leave a message and have your voice on the show (647) 338 1265

#271: PT. 4 | Airport X-ray | Ultrasounds are harmful to the baby | Sunblock and Shampoo are loaded with toxins | Hollywood films have a direct agenda | 9.11 was an inside job.

We’ve been having alot of fun with this conspiracy list. These 8 shows are just for fun and an intro into a lot of what has been going on. To those of you looking to shit on these ideas please do so in a constructive manner.

You can call in and leave a vm at (647) 338.1265 if you want to have your question or statement played on air. You can also head over to www.thementalmasteryalliance.com to find out more of what we are doing currently.