Ever noticed how a mirror can be the most flattering friend or the sneakiest foe? It’s all about the angle, folks! Our self-view is like a funhouse mirror – twist a little to the left, and you’re a superhero; tilt to the right, and suddenly you’re in a Picasso painting. The way we see ourselves […]
Tag: anxiety
#255: Kristy Morrison, a talk on the Dark Night of the Soul | Psychedelics | The Moon | Duality | Mandela Effect
Connected with Kristy Morrison on a myriad of topics. A very enjoyable conversation about breaking out of the norm and into a reality where its okay to love yourself and not live in fear, depression and anxiety. To see more of Kristy take a look at her work here: https://www.kristymorrison.com/ www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]
223: Dark Night of the Soul.
couldn’t have said it better Bev. We hammered out a lot in this episode. There is so much happening right now all around us. There are answers, however. If you’ve ever thought about connecting with a coach for this journey we would love to chat. Head over to coachingwithtmma.com 15 quick questions and we can […]
222: The worlds gone mad so that you could find yourself.
This world is getting weirder and weirder. Oddly enough the crazier it gets the more we’re not allowed to question it without fear of being judged. We at TMMA would like to help you with that fear. We spoke about it in the show and here is the link. Coaching with TMMA
#189: A view from between the 3rd and 5th dimension | Massive love to the comments section on instagram.
These episodes are starting to speak for themselves. But this was a lot of fun to create. It is becoming easier and easier to get a point across the more the world opens up to things not being as we were told they were for so long. Please feel free to call and leave a […]
#184: Philosophy of perception and a crumbling narrative.
Sorry for the delay in uploading a new episode. We have been working rather diligently on relaunching The BTF Podcast. Very exciting times indeed. More info inside the episode and more to come. Feel free to give us a follow on Instagram. Nothing there yet but we are about to pop. https://www.instagram.com/therealbtfpodcast/
#182: Fear Mongering | Todays media is creating your anxiety and depression | Atomic Bombs are Fake?
There are so many things you’re currently being exposed to, literally everything, limitless! What story are you creating with that information and why? Now question your answer. Call / Text: 647.338.1265 Website Instagram
#150: J** McA** | V*****e | Sui***ded | Depression | Anxiety | Hollywood | Reality | 5D | Having a Laugh.
We Talked about alot in here! This is one of those episodes that may “mysteriously” go missing. I speak on these topics however because there were imperative for me to lay the ground work in expanding my mind. Being able to see past whats handed directly to you is a blessing. The world wants to […]
#147: Fake News | Fake Science | Fake History | Clearing yourself of Depression and Anxiety | Sobriety | Life After Alcohol.
We had to touch on the fauci bs. I also wanted to spread out to alcohol as it seems to be a recurring issue once again with the world we live in. Anxiety and Depression as well have been all around in the energies. First and foremost we want people to understand you can change […]