Tag: illusion

#289: My Take on The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz | 20-minute brain dump as well.

Embracing new information is the cornerstone of personal growth. Just as plants need sunlight to flourish, our minds require fresh insights to thrive. When we actively seek out and absorb new knowledge, we expand our perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and ignite our curiosity. Whether it’s learning a new skill, exploring different cultures, or delving into […]

#288: Money and the illusions used for you to become self aware.

In a world where the allure of convenience and comfort often comes at the cost of autonomy, the pervasive influence of money has been wielded as a tool to manipulate and deceive. From targeted advertisements to algorithmic recommendation systems, every click, swipe, and purchase is meticulously crafted to nudge individuals towards relinquishing their independence. The […]

#287: The illusion of our past and the stories we seem to tell ourselves…

Ever noticed how a mirror can be the most flattering friend or the sneakiest foe? It’s all about the angle, folks! Our self-view is like a funhouse mirror – twist a little to the left, and you’re a superhero; tilt to the right, and suddenly you’re in a Picasso painting. The way we see ourselves […]

#286: Vaccine Lettuce | Climate Change | Eclipse | Nipples | Root Canal | Vasectomy | Tubes Tied | Breast Implant Removal | Barry Wood

Tonight we collected three additional rockstars and talked about it all. The world is starting to wake up more and more as time passes! Its been an absolutely amazing journey to be on as well as to witness others join in on. I can truly say I am blessed and thankful to have been able […]

#284: The world is your creation. So why is it all messed up :)

Do you ever wonder what extraordinary achievements lie dormant within you, waiting to be unleashed? Often, it’s our fears that act as formidable barriers, preventing us from reaching our full potential and achieving greatness. Fear has a way of paralyzing us, keeping us confined within our comfort zones. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, […]

#283: How to create your dream online with Filip Van Houte | Philosophical Conundrums which Create Growth | Branding, Content and Marketing for Coaches.

I had the privilege of connecting with Filip Van Houte, a dedicated individual on a mission to assist anyone striving to enhance their online presence or personal image. Whether you are already engaged in self-marketing efforts or in the process of discovering your message and purpose, Filip has a wealth of valuable insights to offer. […]

#282: The stories we tell ourselves about who we are | The Day I Died Twice.

In a world often dominated by the ego, the concept of egoic death emerges as a profound and transformative idea. Egoic death is not a physical demise but a psychological and spiritual shedding of the ego – that part of ourselves which craves validation identifies with success or failure, and separates us from the interconnected […]

#280: Population Control Seems to permeate all “conspiracies”

In the vast realm of conspiracy theories, a recurring theme emerges, linking seemingly unrelated narratives to a central thread – population control. While it’s essential to approach conspiracy theories with a critical mind, the notion of population control often surfaces as a common denominator in various speculations. Conspiracies surrounding population control range from the covert […]