Tag: illusion

#268: Climate Change Hoax | Dinosaur Hoax | Flat Earth | Vaccines | Medical System

Ive decided to embark on an eight-episode journey through a list of 40 “conspiracies” and my take on all of them. I think this is going to be a fun few episodes. Hope you enjoy 🙂 www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard

#267: Swap Cast With Elisa Kurylowicz.

I was a guest over on Elisa Unfiltered! This was a fantastic experience and we will cross-brand absolutely in the future! I know you’ll love this show as I loved recording it! Lots of energy going back and forth on this one 🙂 www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have […]

#265: Shadow work and relationships.

I really wanted to dive into this meme. I felt it on a personal level. I also believe that we often aren’t allowed to accept or even think things that weren’t programmed into us. Getting past our pre-programming is a fantastic experience www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your […]

#264: Healing Conversations.

Amazing to connect with so many like minded people on this journey. Today we were able to speak with Curtis and Kristy about how they feel it all works out. I liked this show. Simple and to the point. You can find more from Curtis here. Vitasana.vip Our Links: www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]

#263: Platos Cave | The Matrix | Reality | Perception | The Womb | Earth Experience.

I love talking about where we might be and the possibilities it all encompasses. Our Friend Jennifer over at JK_Ultra crafted out the perfect tik tok and I wanted to share it with you all while adding my piece to it. We will get her back on the show in the coming weeks for sure. […]

#261: Reality is uniquely yours | Personal thoughts on the current smoke and forest fires.

I wanted to talk on this a little bit. Reality isnt what we think it is. Reality is what we create it to be. This is a beautiful mental transition once you make it. Being aware that you are the creator and observer of your own reality changes how you play the game. www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.coachingwithtmma.com […]

#260: Personal Conspiracy Mindset Origin Story.

In chatting with an Instagram friend, it was brought to my attention that I have probably never truly dropped my story as to how I became the version of me you see here today. So this is kinda that. Sorta … www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice […]