This whole episode was a run-on sentence. A good one mind you. Connect with us, 647.338.1265
Tag: illusion
#190: Toxic Femininity | Toxic Masculinity | Our Role | Depp Heard.
There is a LOT that goes into the whole “toxic” theme in today’s world, we barely touched the surface here. Call Or text to have your voice heard on the show. 647.338.1265
#189: A view from between the 3rd and 5th dimension | Massive love to the comments section on instagram.
These episodes are starting to speak for themselves. But this was a lot of fun to create. It is becoming easier and easier to get a point across the more the world opens up to things not being as we were told they were for so long. Please feel free to call and leave a […]
#188: “Conspiracy Think” Vs “Normal Think” and how both lead to a low vibration | Are we being played from both sides?
Text or call in your question or statement 647.338.1265
#187: Public Speaking | Not holding yourself prisoner to your own past | Positive self talk.
Text / Call 647.338.1265 Have your voice or message heard.
#185: Oscars | Will Smith | Inclusivity at what cost | Facebook Jail Again.
What a fun week we’ve had as a team waking up to the world around us.
#183: BTF | Discernment | Our good friend Tony is back | Staying above the news | spotting the patterns |
Another episode where we just shoot the sht. We will be back, Stay tuned for more from the btf podcast.
#180: Tom Paladino | Scalar Energy | Tesla Energy | Human Healing | An Equal Alternative
It was great to have Tom back you can check out or first interview Episode #136 I believe. There is also a link on our webpage in the exclusive offers section that will give you a full 30 days free trial instead of the 15 run through normal channels. Which I think is pretty neat.
#178: Where is Trudeau | State of Emergency Convoy 2022 | Pierre Poilievre | Opinion Peace ;)
This Convoy is either changing the game or intentionally shifting the narrative while still being the narrative and I’m not fully sure which way its going but I absolutely have my eye on it. With Pierre
#176: LoL Neil Young | Canadian Truckers |
We dont always get it right but we always ask the question without attacking. Aggression and hate is where they want us to go. Be aware of the hate and division agenda and you can navigate a happier existence. call / text 647.338.1265