Tag: higher self

#257: The you that I know | Division will inevitably lead to ascention.

Ill tell you, who you think you are is who they made you think you are. You are not that person. You are so much more! www.requesttoguest.com www.tmmapowercall.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text the show: 647.338.1265 Have your voice heard

#255: Kristy Morrison, a talk on the Dark Night of the Soul | Psychedelics | The Moon | Duality | Mandela Effect

Connected with Kristy Morrison on a myriad of topics. A very enjoyable conversation about breaking out of the norm and into a reality where its okay to love yourself and not live in fear, depression and anxiety. To see more of Kristy take a look at her work here: https://www.kristymorrison.com/ www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call […]

#251: The Narcissist.

There is so much that goes into a relationship with a narcissist. its exhausting and a waste of your time. UNLESS you use the experience to build your character and set extremely healthy boundaries. www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text: 647.338.1265 (Be Heard)

#250: What we are being exposed to is altering our internal perceptions.

it is amazing how heavy the “influence” machine is pushing the chaos on us. Hopefully, however, it is working to wake up more and more people to the illusion we are all trapped in. www.requesttoguest.comwww.coachingwithtmma.comwww.thementalmasteryalliance.comwww.instagram.com/thementalmasteryallianceCall or Text: 647.338.1265 (Be Heard)

243: It is easier to fool a person than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.

This world will trick you then trick you, then offer you another trick as a solution to the first trick. Madness yes but here we are. www.requesttoguest.com www.coachingwithtmma.com www.thementalmasteryalliance.com www.instagram.com/thementalmasteryalliance Call or Text: 647.338.1265